Divine Redundancy

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Spirit Wisdom (paraphrased):

God Has Your Back Web“Look into the sky and see the multiverse.  See all of the stars in the sky.  What happens when one goes out.  The sky is still illuminated, the world still has light in the dark night sky.

This is Divine Redundancy. It is okay to rest. The Work, your work will get done.”

Have you asked yourself any of these questions?  Have you held a colleague up as they commiserated with you? It seems like it is taking forever to settle into my divine work. Is this money situation going to go on forever? Who am I as I am going through these changes? Small and BIG! Am I going in the right direction? Confused? Hurt? Resentful? Angry?

I am soooooo tired!

As always, the Divine Teacher from the cosmos appears in a private channel last week.  There was so much that we already know.  Time folds and everything appears right on “time.”  You are on the right path.  You know this instinctively, intuitively.   You are growing. You are divinely purposed, divinely inspired.  The new news was….

God plans that you may want some time off.

As you do your daily spiritual practice I will bet that everyday you send a kind thought to someone, have gifted your treasures and your gifts, held someone, was kind to Mother Earth, voiced your passion and breathed LOVE into the world.  This is upholding the frequencies of the Most High.  Somewhere in the world someone is breathing in your good.  The pendulum of living is swinging from one opposite to the other.  Always in continuous motion this environment, emotional frequency, experiential  force is swinging and circulating your Love, bringing it to a person, a place, or a situation that really could use some loving.

Occasionally, YOU really need a hug, a kindness, an investment, a shoulder or some help.  Sometimes you are just plain tired and need a day off.  God has got you covered.  It is your turn.  Breathe into the Divine and gift your Self a day, week, a month or more off AND breathe in the goodness, kindness, resources, and Love that is being placed into the multiplexed world we live in.  TAP IN!  Renew.  Rejuvenate.  Recover. Take as much time as you need.

God’s work, continues. Everyday you are a sacred point of Divine Light, you are illuminating the world even as you rest.  Know that everyday people within our  beautiful planet are infusing our energy fields with The Positive.  God has it all worked out.  It’s okay. Take some time. Rest, rejuvenate and ….


 For more information about Reverend Mercedes Warrick

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