Trusting Spiritual Circulation

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Emergence II – Transformation to the Divine Feminine

Transformation II

About this Visionscape®

FROM SPIRIT: The male form is open, a place to receive and flow.  To move from the material plane to the spiritual plane to flow into life and manifestation of life through the Flow.  The male form in the feminine silver brings awareness of this realization  – that we flow into our manifestation rather than acquiring it or things or money.  Submerged and receiving water, sunlight, and nourishment all we require is in the flow.  The feminine aspect recognizes that all we need is present.

The Divine Feminine accepts her masculinity and allows existence to flow through her.


Several times Spirit has spoken.  “Trust!”

It is hard.  Many, many hours of writing – each word becomes your child – so it is really trust and detach.  Relying that your financial security comes from this Work is surrender.  BEing and acting to the voices in your heart is following the path of the Divine Illogic and it is a call to Obey.

Trust – Detach – Surrender – Obey.  Four really, really BIG words.

I am not so certain that I have been really good at it.  I have moments but to really trust that my vibrant Spirit infused life can manifest through this work in a lifestyle to which I have become accustom?  At times it is just too much to believe.

One important point.  Let’s get real that “lifestyle” no longer exists.  I am not the same person.  The ego-centric, get-it-done, “go to” personality does not exist anymore so it is a fallacy to design a life around those trappings of success. My definition of lifestyle has changed.  The paintings these Visionscapes of my inner longings provide  evidence of this everyday.  The creative feminine has emerged. Success is flourishing.  Success is abundance.  Success is Divine! Success is loving!

Until recently I was wondering what’s up!  I have “passed the basket” and offered FREE classes. However, Spirit has guided that free was not FREE.  A hard one because people who love me have worried and admonished me that, “You must start charging for your teaching.”

My FREE is not free if my intention was to move people through some sales pipe line.  If my intention was to get money / compensation / something from them. It is okay to do this just understand the intention.  Business FREE is different than a spiritual gift.  I struggled because every time Spirit asked me to do something regardless of a person’s ability to pay, I obeyed. Often it did not make financial or personal “sense.”

FREE is not free.  However,  a gift in obedience to Spirit while it may have the appearance of being free, when you are gifting your service from your heart, compensation looks differently and often it is not greenbacks.  Love circulates.  Those who can pay, pay.  Those who God sends receives.  My life flourishes and expands. It is spiritual circulation and it is different.  How did I come to understand this?

At the stage of my spiritual development many, many  concepts were emerging.  Night and day as I meditated and entered into spiritual university the guides would be showing me and teaching me new ways of BEing, healing, thinking, and believing.  The only way I could fully learn some of these concepts was to live them.  People were literally showing up at the door of my gated community. “Can I help you?”  I would ask.

Their response, “God just told me to come here. Or, God just told me to talk to you”

So as I would do the Work with them, often they were in financial crisis, the moment of reckoning was NOW!  We would pray.  More times than not I would not see them again.  As time progressed often months or years later I would see them.  It was hard.  My ego wondered how they were doing, if I had prayed “right” or did the energy healing “right.” Everything came through Spirit! This has been one of the hardest lessons. Surrendering to the Knowing that all is well.

Trust – Detach – Surrender and yes Obey!

One-by-one as I was in the process of transitioning my home these Angels came by to tell me they were better, that the time they had spent with me was God sent.  It truly was for me.

So you may be thinking I lost my home.  Well yes but it was time.  I had healed there from some pretty deep trauma.  I had been schooled there through Spirit.  I had learned about my spiritual inner Self there.  It was time. “The patient does not say in the hospital after they have healed…. THEY GET OUT! GET OUT! LIVE!!!!”

In Santa Fe I reflected on this journey and Spirit said, “You were compensated.  You were paid in full.  Each person brought you something so that we could teach you.  We can’t  bring these lessons to you in the physical. You were paid in full.” This time and these Angels were my spiritual internship in 3D. This was Spiritual Circulation.

Trust – Detach – Surrender – Obey!

There is no bigger Trust-Detach for me than to leave my beautiful sanctuary, point my car towards Santa Fe and Surrender into God’s Will and then Obey by coming back to Las Vegas.  It is probably the biggest faith walk I have ever done.  God provided me with a place to stay and new visions for montezing my work.  Yes, money is a lifestyle choice. Did you know that Spirit does business plans? In the physical I had done secular business plans for my spiritual calling.  I shredded at least 12 of them as I packed to move.  In the Spiritual I have allowed.  Everything I require has been provided. I am safe.  I have a place to stay and the process is emerging.  There are almost no, “Things-to-do” lists.

For now I share:

Trust – Detach – Surrender – Obey!




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