This Fourth of July was pretty uneventful. GOOD! The real happening was the passage of time. It was July 7th before I realized that the anniversary of my divorce had passed. “OH!” I exclaimed as I was in a conversation with a friend about how to begin to date. Women talk – fun talk – there was a lot of laughter.
How did I achieve this Peace? This space of being in the now. I guess I was ready. In The Soul Inspired Tune Up one of the meditations is Loving Me When I Am Grieving – I AM Success. Success is My Sacred Right. I AM My Peace!
My art. Over Memorial Day weekend I began to yearn for family and friends. I really did not go out by choice. I have places to go. However, it is different. I was yearning to be somewhere snuggled into my man. So I decided that I was going to doodle over the fourth of July weekend for fun.
Well the doodles greatly evolved. As always though I moved with my internal Source and spiritual energy. I posted each phase on Facebook and people were responding, watching the process. Ideas began to flow for various projects. I was happy!
This is a creative process. There are four pieces (three are posted here) and I experimented with different techniques and colors. The first base coat is on the left. All four of these were done in less than one hour. No thinking just reaching for colors and brushes. Next came the “doodle” part.
Then came the option – to move onward, to stop, or to loose myself in the pleasure of the detail the coming forward.
For me, doodling relaxes my brain. Doodling allows the thinking monkey busy mind to be at bay and at rest. Here in the flow of Qi I daydream, release and expand.
On August 8, in Las Vegas, at The Art of Women speaker series I will be presenting Qi Flow – The Fine Art of Doodling from 4 – 6 p.m.
Enter the indefinable. The spaces and places in your imagination that expand your point-of-view and allows you to see a greater array of options and answers. Free Flowing creativity in the creative knowing. Going where you can’t imagine moving inwardly out your thinking mind and into your intuition and imagination.
Spiritually we would say connecting with Divine Source, God, Creator of All That Is.
In daily living we would say connecting with love, joy, peace and conscious consideration.
Either way, good it’s a good time to release, relax and create some ART!
PS…. The opening reception for The Art of Women is Friday, July 25. This is a FREE event in Las Vegas. CLICK HERE for more information and to RSVP!
Reverend Mercedes Warrick is a spiritual teacher, artist, energy alchemist/healer and leadership consultant. Over the past two years The Soul Inspired Tune Up®, her meditation and energy practice, has evolved through Spirit to become a guiding pathway to intuitive love aligned living. New this year is Visionscapes®. She is facilitates inner evolutions mentoring your personal renaissance through Spirit, creativity and art.
For more information about my teaching through Spirit:
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I Paint in Spirit
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