DITTO! BEing in Love Part 2

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32.warrickSo as we do….  I am posting Being in Love around my various social media hang outs and I am thinking….. How does this apply to business?  My Love! Then, the first thing in the morning thought was… Well, how does it apply to business.

What if…

We looked into the eyes of the person/people we are working with.  What if we internally searched for what they required internally?  What if we meditated with them?  Got quiet with them to create? What if we treated this mind-set like a sacred trust, a part of our purpose?

Here it is again.

Falling in Love is a harmonic blending of understanding Self, being aware of what is around you and looking into the eyes and heart and the soul…. your loved ones. What are they really feeling?  What are they really saying? I read recently in Osho’s book, Being in Love that when we can get to a place of meditation with our partner that Love is deepened and the hot passion of lust has burned off.  Still water runs deep.  Sitting quietly.  BEing while being in Love.

Can you BE in Love at work?

Everyday in Every Way Energizing Love 365.

In Joy!

Visionscape:  Card #32

My personal interpetation.

I AM Purpose-Filled.

© 2013 Mercedes Warrick.

All Rights Reserved.


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