Note to Self: Rise to The Highest Frequencies. Actively unify with Divine Source Energy. Elevate! Celebrate! Illuminate!
I woke up this morning knowing that the usual routine was going to shift. Usually I breathe, pray and then swing me legs over the side of the bed for the rest of the routine. This morning, however, I could feel the presence of Spirit and we started differently.
First, Elevate! I waited patiently to see what would arise. Yahweh – God. Last year when I went to Santa Fe NM I had been given the instruction to chant the name of God everyday morning for 108 days. It was a very special way to start the day. I reached for my mala beads (108 beads per strand) I began the familiar chant. Elevate into the frequency of God. My experience coming out of Santa Fe was that my painting took a sharp and definable metamorphosis. The style changed and people began to notice my art. So I HIGHLY recommend connecting with the Source of your inspired living with dedication and emptiness. I usually come “empty.” What I mean by this is this is not a prayer of petition. It is truly a time to establish connection with the energy of the Divine Source Energy. Come empty and fill up!
Second, Celebrate! Hallelujah! The second round of 108 chants was Hallelujah! I had attended a church where we would just break out a Hallelujah whenever moved by Spirit. So again remembering the joy that was released in spite of or despite what was going on I willing began my Hallelujahs. Choose your holy word for celebration and bust out a round of 108 for a few days. Feel your energy lighten and rise! Joy! Joy! Joy!
Third, Illuminate AMEN! Amen vibrates to God in many spiritual communities. It also vibrates to the numeric value for completion. AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! I have a mentor and we now AMEN “it”! So be it! So be It! So be IT! We have fun and sometimes dance to choruses of AMEN!
Finally rest in the emptiness.
Occassionally I am asked to hold the energy for someone and their situation. I am put into a space that almost feels like I have been sedated. Hold the energy. This does not happen often. It is always Spirit directed. Miracles have happened. A few days ago Spirit said hold the energy for yourself. I got quiet. When you do steps one and two I usually feel a shift in my physical body and space. Then I get quiet and sit passively. I am not asking for anything. I am not “trying” to quiet my mind. I am BEing what Is. BEing what comes. Sometimes nothing comes in that moment, however; things begin to shift around me. Sometimes I leave this space with understanding and knowing. There is no dialogue just a profound peace and knowing what to do next.
I sit illuminated in the frequency of God.
Pick your holy words and vibrate to the frequency of the creative Source. Access to the frequency in this way is activated by sound – your voice through spoken words, songs or chanting – this action connects you to your Divine Source Energy.
You are vibrating in the creative flow of Source!
In Joy!
Reverend Mercedes Warrick is a spiritual teacher, artist, energy alchemist/healer and leadership consultant. Over the past two years The Soul Inspired Tune Up®, her meditation and energy practice, has evolved through Spirit to become a guiding pathway to intuitive love aligned living. New this year is Visionscapes®. She is facilitates inner evolutions mentoring your personal renaissance through Spirit, creativity and art.
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